Unable to render 25 participants in angular

I’m experiencing difficulty rendering more than 5 participants (4 remote, 1 local) simultaneously on the web zoom video sdk. I am working in Angular
.init(‘en-US’, ‘Global’, {
patchJsMedia: true,
enforceMultipleVideos: true,
what to do unable to understand?

Hey @kishan1

Thanks for your feedback.

In order to render videos of 25 participants on the page, enabling SharedArrayBuffer is a prerequisite, as mentioned in the following documentation.


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Hey @kishan1 ,

Also, if you are unable to enable SharedArrayBuffer, in the next release you should be able to render more than 5 videos using enforceMultipleVideos: true


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I am able to render 25 videos but it is working only on HTTP. When attempting to render videos over HTTPS, I encounter errors. . It’s likely due to mixed content policies, security configurations, or browser restrictions.

node_modules\coi-ser…erviceworker.js:113 COOP/COEP Service Worker failed to register: DOMException: Failed to register a ServiceWorker for scope (‘https://localhost:4200/’) with script (‘https://localhost:4200/scripts.js’): An SSL certificate error occurred when fetching the script.

And also when i host my product on mobile. It also does not working.
for mobile it is showing error -
when running on http - ERROR TypeError: Cannot use ‘in’ operator to search for ‘getDisplayMedia’ in undefined
at get isSupportSendScreenSharing (index.umd.js:1:104714)

Hey @kishan1

ERROR TypeError: Cannot use ‘in’ operator to search for ‘getDisplayMedia’ in undefined

To utilize the audio/video functionality, the page needs to be within a secure context. You can check the console for corresponding warning prompts.

The page is not in a secure context, to use audio, video, screen, a secure context must be enabled.


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