Unable to run zoomapps-sample-js

I am receiving the same error when I try to run/install the Zoom App Custom Layout Sample. I tried on Incognito and implemented app.set('trust proxy', true) in the app.js as suggested by Ben - however, this also did not solve the issue for me. Do you have any other ideas what I could try? I would be grateful for any hint.

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I found the only way to avoid this if you are using ngrok is to navigate to the https://xxx.ngrok-free.app URL rather than http://localhost:3000. Then click the “click here” to install the app.

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Was there any further news on this? I’m hitting this error on the GitHub - zoom/zoomapps-advancedsample-react: This repository contains an Advanced Zoom Apps Sample. It should serve as a starting point for you to build and test your own Zoom App in development. repo. I see it when visiting my <your Ngrok origin>/api/zoomapp/install path

Things I’ve checked

  • definitely using the ngrok URL instead of localhost
  • rechecked the relevant paths in the app settings on zoom
  • added app.set('trust proxy', true) to the app
  • clearing state/cookies/etc

I was testing on Firefox on Linux.


Thank you for posting! Are you only seeing this when testing on Firefox on Linux?

Hey @donte.zoom I am still facing this issue after following all these steps in GitHub - zoom/zoomapps-sample-js: A Hello World Zoom App built with Vanilla JS. Anything that came out of this discussion but got missed in README?


Could you provide details about the issue you’re facing and the exact steps you followed to replicate the behavior?

I’m having the same issue with your recall tutorial “meetingbot-recall-sample”

This does have app.set(‘trust proxy’, true) already in the repo.

are you ever going to resolve this issue ? It’s been unsolved for more than a year now

@mattfred , @wagh.shivanjay099 ,

Is this still an issue on your end?