Having trouble running sample app provided by Zoom

Using GitHub - zoom/zoomapps-advancedsample-react: This repository contains an Advanced Zoom Apps Sample. It should serve as a starting point for you to build and test your own Zoom App in development. sample app

After cloning /zoom/zoomapps-advancedsample-react sand following the directions here. I am still having trouble installing the initial template app. I am currently getting this error:

Invalid redirect: /api/zoomapp/auth (4,700)

when using the testable url in dev app dashboard.

Thanks in advance.

( when using the testable url from dev dashboard)
Invalid redirect: /api/zoomapp/auth (4,700)


(when visiting /api/zoomapp/install)


ngrok gateway error The server returned an invalid or incomplete HTTP response.

Troubleshooting Routes
(found on /zoom/zoomapps-advancedsample-react).

How To Reproduce

  1. git clone /zoom/zoomapps-advancedsample-react
  2. ngrok http https://localhost:8000
  3. copy .envexample into new .env file
  4. insert id, public url, secret, openssl
  5. fill info in App Credentials tab per instructions on github
  6. docker-compose up OR docker compose up (both yielded same result
  7. go to /api/zoomapp/install
  8. realize that doesn’t work and go to dev dashboard
  9. go to zoom dev Local Test tab, click test, generate testable url
  10. go to url

https://localhost:3000’ not 8000

Hi @royalti - did you add your https://<your-ngrok-url>/api/zoomapp/auth url under “Redirect URL for OAuth” in Marketplace?

I’d also consider giving docker compose down && docker compose up --build a try.

Yes, I did add the auth path to marketplace dashboard.

I will let you know how the docker commands go