Unable to start screen share

I followed the documentation for implementing screen sharing functionality, but I can’t get it working and I don’t know why.

Which iOS Video SDK version?

To Reproduce(If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Just start a brand new project and follow the instructions for integrating the iOS Video SDK, and then follow the instructions on the Screen Sharing part of the documentation and the same issue should arise.

Error message

Smartphone (please complete the following information):

  • Device: iPhone SE 2nd generation
  • OS: iOS 15.5

Additional context
I have followed the instructions in the documentation to implement Screen Sharing, but it’s still not working. I made sure everything is set up correctly, especially the App Groups thing.

I can go to command center and start a broadcast selecting my app’s target. The broadcast seems to start, because I can see the timer on the UI as if it’s recording, but my callback (onUserShareStatusChanged ) is not getting called.

As shown in the screenshot attached, I can successfully join the session, and I print “broadcastStarted” from the SampleHandler file, but my callback (which is in my ZoomVideoSDKDelegate class) is not getting reached.

I have searched the error message on google but it wasn’t too helpful. I suspect the error is somehow related to App Groups, but I made sure everything was set up correctly as per the documentation so I’m not sure what to do next.