Unable to use Zoom Whiteboard Export API

We are trying to use the Zoom Whiteboard Export API as documented in Zoom Whiteboard API

We are getting the following error when accessing the API

“code”: 111800,
“message”: “Permission is needed to access this document”

How do we get around this problem?

@kannantl Does the whiteboard you are trying to access belong to you / or you have permission to access it? If not, the owner may need to edit the permissions on the whiteboard before you can export it.

Here is a link: Getting started with Zoom Whiteboard - Zoom Support

@ojus.zoom . Thanks for the reply. I own the whiteboard. This whiteboard is part a meeting i hosted and also I am admininstrator on the account.

@kannantl are you also the owner of the marketplace app that generated the access token?

Hi @ojus.zoom We are also facing the same issue as i am the owner account and i am trying to access my child account’s whiteboard for export, but it says permission required. And the Server-to-Server OAuth App is also made using this account (owner account) only.

@ojus.zoom - Yes i am the owner of the marketplace app as well.

@ojus.zoom - Any updates on Zoom Whiteboard Export API?