Upcoming meetings without start_time


Calling API /users/{user_id}/meetings?type=upcoming, I got some meetings without start_time field.
I believe the upcoming meeting must have a meeting date/time, how it is not there?

I also use the return meeting_id and called /meeting/{meeting_id}, and there is no start_time returned too.


Hi @jizheng,

Do you know if this meeting was scheduled using a PMI (personal meeting ID)? The reason I ask is because meetings scheduled with PMI will have two IDs returned, one that reflects the scheduled instance of the meeting, and that of the PMI meeting instance, which doesn’t have a start time.

Let me know if this might be the case. Thanks!

Hi Will,

I saw the host_id is something like ‘-Q4h435hABlRhVTFObVFtUk9i’, not sure if it is PMI, and there is always one meeting ID for the meetings returned from /users/{user_id}/meetings?type=upcoming API.


Hi @jizheng,

Ah, I see—thanks for confirming!

What type is the meeting—is it a meeting with no fixed time? If possible, can you share the API response, minus any sensitive details?


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