Update or Create Bot Fails with fail_register)robot_to_robot service error

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A clear and concise description of what the question is.

Update or Create Bot Fails with
[The full error message or issue you are running into.]

As seen in browser debugger the following end point is throwing the error.


{“code”:1500,“status”:500,“error”:“Internal Server Error”,“message”:“fail_register_robot_to_robot_service”,“tid”:“c6c1645896899da7”,“sid”:“c6c1645896899da7”,“timestamp”:1646378139378,“trackingId”:“v=2.0;clid=us04;rid=MP_4d8723561bb94ef08454f1cabc846244”}

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?
Knowing the endpoint/s can help us to identify your issue faster. Please link the ones you need help/have a question with.

Which Endpoint/s?
Knowing the API endpoint/s can help us to identify your issue faster. Please link the ones you need help/have a question with.

How To Reproduce (If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Request URL / Headers (without credentials) / Body
  2. See error

Screenshots (If applicable)
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

1 Like

I do have exactly same issue.
I was following the steps Build a Chatbot but could not pass step4 due to this issue.
JID requires an endpoint which I dont’ have yet. (Needed to run the Heroku first to retrieve the JID but need the JID to run Heroku apparently)

Here is the response while clicking on “save” button within “feature” section

[HTTP/1.1 500 801ms]

code 1500
status 500
error “Internal Server Error”
message “fail_register_robot_to_robot_service”
tid “5190b57888d2df2c”
sid “5190b57888d2df2c”
timestamp 1646918232220
trackingId “v=2.0;clid=us04;rid=MP_5421ae1f4fbb47d6a4790e91f17e3176”

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