Update participantsListWidth parameter


I’m trying to update the participantsListWidth parameter in a Meeting.

I know that this is not documented and supported yet, but still I wonder how to access that piece of code and change on my end those settings (as well as the other parameters like showParticipants, showAttendeeList, showJoinDialog etc.).

I’ve tried to update it with CSS, but the problem is that then the page is resized, the code keeps on counting the participantsListWidth as 400.


Hey @osdev,

Have you tried over riding it with JavaScript? Feel free to add the ability to update this property as a feature request: #feature-requests


I’ve tried with Javascript, but I have no way to access that property…
Unless if you give me a direct to access it (even if it’s not final).
Please advise,

Hi @osdev,

We don’t have a built in method for controlling this in our Web SDK, though this is good suggestion. We’ll be happy to relay this to our team, though you’re welcome to submit a feature request in #feature-requests as well.


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