Update user api doesn't work properly

I’m using update_user API to switch basic user to licensed.

Recently, I have a lot of issues with this API because it doesn’t give an license to a user.

There’s no such log but I found this behavior a lot.

This pic is a list of whom have a license.

However it turns out they doesn’t have it.

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?

Which Endpoint/s?

How To Reproduce (If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Just call this api under instruction.

Hey @itdaa_develop,

Can you share an example request body that you’re passing?

Additionally, please double check that you’re using HTTP PATCH method, and that you have enough licenses already provisioned under your account.


Hi will,

here’s a log from API request.

  "endpoint": "https://api.zoom.us/v2/users/{id}",
  "response_headers": [
    "Set-Cookie: zm_aid=""; Domain=.zoom.us; Expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:10 GMT; Path=/; Secure; HttpOnly"
  "date_time": "2021-09-16 12:20:42",
  "method": "PATCH",
  "request_body": "{"type":2}",
  "response": "N/A",
  "request_headers": [
    "accept-encoding: gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3",
    "accept: */*",
    "authorization: ******",
    "connection: close",
    "content-type: application/json",
    "user-agent: Zoom Ruby Client Gem 0.4.0"
  "request_params": [],
  "http_status": "204"

It’s what we usually request to the API.

Plus, I usually secure one more license which we need.

Hi @itdaa_develop,

Thanks for sharing. And have you confirmed you currently have enough licenses to cover this request?


Hi @will.zoom,

Yes, I double-checked the current license qty.

As I mentioned, it says a user has a license on the list but it’s not on user’s profile page when I search by license types.


Thank you for confirming @itdaa_develop . In order for us to take a closer look, can you please send us an email at developersupport@zoom.us with these details and your account ID or user ID/email?

Thank you,

Hi @will.zoom,
I’ve just sent email to developersupport@zoom.us regarding this issue and email threads.


Thanks @itdaa_develop,

We will be in touch shortly.

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