Updating Zoom C++ SDK from 5.13.5 to 5.14.5

I have been using Zoom Meeting SDK for C++ with version 5.13.5. Recently, zoom enforced minimum SDK version of 5.14.5. I downloaded the newer SDK and updated the paths for it. I started getting:

Which Windows Meeting SDK version?

To Reproduce(If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Update the SDK paths (linker, include, lib) to the latest path
  2. Rebuild, a huge range of errors start happening. Somewhere around 280 errors. All similar.

Troubleshooting Routes
Tested compiling the SDK demo and that compiled properly. Tested the app with 5.13.5 and it worked.

Device (please complete the following information):

  • Device: Lenovo T470s
  • OS: Windows 10

Additional context
Using Visual Studio 2022. Using C++14 standard.
I just want to update the already working app from version 5.13.5 to minimum enforced version of 5.14.5 as of 3rd February 2024. I implemented the changes according the change log as well. Those errors were resolved. But this list remains.

@e.divedeepai ,

You will need to look at some of the missing method which wasn’t implemented.

Typically for versions upgrade, there are addition methods added in the headers / interface files. You will need to implement them all, if not you will get the errors as listed above.

I implemented all the new methods according to the interface files. The error still persisted. I added

#define NOMINMAX
#include <Windows.h>

On top of my files and this solved the above errors.

The code compiles, but as soon as I try joining the meeting:
IMeetingServiceEvent’s onMeetingStatusChanged gets called and the status changes to “MEETING_STATUS_ENDED”. Why does the meeting status end abruptly? Can you please help me with that? I have now the updated Zoom SDK.

@e.divedeepai there should be some other error callback in onMeetingStatusChanged before meeting ended callback . Are you able to print them a out

@chunsiong.zoom I printed out the meeting statuses when starting the app from onMeetingStatusChanged

Auth goes successful, it tries to join the meeting.

Then, MEETING_STATUS_DISCONNECTING,///<Disconnect the meeting server, leave meeting status
Then, MEETING_STATUS_FAILED,///<Failed to connect the meeting server
Finally, MEETING_STATUS_ENDED,///<Meeting ends.

The same code was working before the update. There are no other errors. No compile time or runtime errors. Correct meeting ID and password are provided as well.

Current SDK version is 5.14.5

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

Update, Alongside meeting status, I printed out and checked iResult which tells the End Meeting Reason.

On Meeting status, MEETING_STATUS_FAILED the meeting reason is EndMeetingReason_NetworkBroken

I wonder why, the network seems fine, we Initialized SDK and Authenticated it successfully. I think the reason is something else.

@e.divedeepai are you able to capture a log of this happening and upload it somewhere for me to download?

Here are my app logs:

Here are pieces of relevant code:

If you need any specific code, let me know. We can also have a meeting to further discuss the issue if you want.

@e.divedeepai I need the encrypted logs. the SDK has a functionality to capture logs in the init parameters.

@chunsiong.zoom I turned on the logs from initParams. I think these are the encrypted logs if I did it right.

Enabled like this:


    initParam.strWebDomain = L"https://zoom.us";
    initParam.enableLogByDefault = true;
    initReturnVal = ZOOM_SDK_NAMESPACE::InitSDK(initParam);


@e.divedeepai these might not be the right log files

  • How to enable SDK log

When initializing the SDK, set InitParam.enableLogByDefault to be true, then the log feature will be enabled, the default log size will be 5MB

ZOOM_SDK_NAMESPACE::InitParam initParam;

initParam.strWebDomain = strWebDomain.c_str();

initParam.strSupportUrl = L "https://zoom.us" ;


initParam.enableLogByDefault = true ;


m_bSDKInit = CSDKHelper::Init(initParam);

  • Where to find SDK log
    • The SDK log files are encrypted files that end with the extension “.log”
    • Location: %appdata%/zoomsdk/logs/

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