Urgent Assistance Needed - Microphone Unmuting Issue with Zoom Video SDK

Issue Description:

Upon joining a Zoom session, we are experiencing persistent crackling sounds followed by the microphone being unmuted and audio functioning normally. This issue seems to be triggered by the SDK repeatedly unmuting the microphone.


  • Device: iPhone XS Max
  • Operating System: iOS 17.4.1
  • Zoom Video SDK Version: 1.11.10

Code Snippet:

let sessionContext = ZoomVideoSDKSessionContext()

let _audioOptions = ZoomVideoSDKAudioOptions()
_audioOptions.connect = true
_audioOptions.mute = false
_audioOptions.autoAdjustSpeakerVolume = true
sessionContext.audioOption = _audioOptions

let _videoOptions = ZoomVideoSDKVideoOptions()
_videoOptions.localVideoOn = true
sessionContext.videoOption = _videoOptions

sessionContext.sessionName = "Lorem Ipsum"
sessionContext.userName = "Lorem"
sessionContext.token = "a valid token" 


Additional Observations:

  • When audio is muted, the camera also becomes inactive.


This issue significantly disrupts the user experience and hinders effective communication during Zoom sessions.


We kindly request your immediate attention and expertise in investigating this matter and providing a solution as soon as possible. Please let us know if you require any further information or code snippets from our end.

Here are SDK logs: