"users/me" endpoint returns a model without "email" field

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Hi, we have an issue with some of our customers. When we’re trying to fetch user info for their accountId, we receive a response without email field.

"account_id": "dOVYqRhGRvGeAUmcRH_6bg"
"id": "KoRTrMeWSs-x5FvyQfwtSQ"

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Is this an expected behavior and if so, at what conditions we might not receive this field?

Hi @vbohdanets
Thanks for reaching out to the Zoom Developer Forum, I am happy to help here!
This is strange, I have never seen an issue like this one.
I will send you a private message so you can share more details of the issue with me.

Hey, @elisa.zoom, thanks for the response.
Can I share this info via some private channel, as it contains customer’s PII?
If not, I would mask identifiable fields if you don’t mind.

For sure @vbohdanets
I have sent you a DM already, could you please follow up there?

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Hi all!
After looking into this specific issue, I have an update for this thread for developers running into this same issue.
We conduct a regular check on the email before returning it. If it doesn’t pass the regular validation, then the email field will come back empty