Using a Pro plan, can I get meeting participants of a Basic Plan meeting?

The church conducts catechism classes on the weekends and I am trying to help them automate a few things. They cannot buy individual licences for each catechist and there are about 12 classes held simultaneously so using one Pro account is not possible. Each catechist uses their basic account for the class.

I wanted to know if I sign up for one Pro account, can I get the participants list of a Basic user’s meeting if they share the meeting ID with me.

I am trying to help them note the attendance of the class. The class is for 40 minutes and I have to run this script twice in 40 minutes(due to drop outs). Since this happens twice every week for about 6 months, something automated will be beneficial.

If there is any other option/solution please advise as this is my first time building an application with the Zoom API and I am not familiar with all the features. I am building this using Python.


Hey @warren,

Thank you for reaching out to the Zoom Developer Forum. You can only obtain information about users/meetings that are part of your account. If you create a Basic user under your account, you can indeed query their meetings.

Let me know if you have any questions.


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