Using Multiple Environments for the same user


Lets say we have one Zoom application in marketplace with
Redirect URL for OAuth ==

And two(it can be more) subdomain:


John Doe works with sub1 and sub2 and wants to use his Zoom account in both subdomains at the same time. Internally in sub1 and sub2 it is two not related users, but linked to single Zoom account.

Let’s say a user “John Doe” did authorization in sub1. And he successfully received “Bearer” token.

Then, “John Doe” goes to and do authorization for sub2. And he receives Bearer token as well.


But, after that, the Bearer-token stored in sub1 is “Invalid access token.”

Try to with Bearer from sub1 - fail, sub2 - success


The “sub1” and “sub2” authorization flow is not related and it should be two independent(isolated) Bearer tokens for each domain.

As I understand Zoom treats Authorization/Token requests for sub1 and sub2 as the same thing. Yes, the Auth/Token requests has the same client_id and the only difference is redirect_uri. But I thought “Multiple Environments” are independent. Now, they are conflicting, each new Authorization process makes previous(on different subdomain) invalid.

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?

Which Endpoint/s?
To get Bearer token, for each domain I use flow:

  1. (or sub2)
  3. User Bearer token for

Hi @workgena,

If you’re using 1 Oauth App, you’ll need to redirect to the respective environment by whitelisting your environment domain names—can you confirm you’ve whitelisted these in your app? Due note that the Redirect URL and whitelist URLs need to have the same base domain. So you should add a sub domain redirect for each environment.

You might also find this thread helpful:

Let me know if this helps!


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