Using the /metrics/meetings with JWT authentication

I’ve set up a JWT app and can generate and use tokens to access, for example, But when I try to list active meetings at I get an error. Is it possible to use this API with JWT? (and if not, how is it possible to tell from the API reference pages which can / can’t be used with JWT?)

How To Reproduce (If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

const options = {
  uri: '',
  auth: {
    'bearer': token
  qs: {
    from: '2020-03-01',
    to: '2020-03-31'
  headers: {
    'User-Agent': 'Zoom-Jwt-Request',
    'content-type': 'application/json'
  json: true

rp(options).then(result => {
}).catch(err => {

400 - {"code":200,"message":"Only available for paid account and enabled Dashboard feature."}

Further Information
The Dashboard settings (e.g. Dashboard Home Page) seem to be associated with a Role in the account settings interface, but since this is a JWT, I’m not sure how those are connected.

Hey @dsl101,

Yes it is possible, however you need a Business or a higher plan.

You can request a free trial here:


We are on the Enterprise plan. Is that not big enough?

Actually, to clarify, we are now on the Enterprise plan. When I created the JWT we were on the Pro plan. Does it need to be recreated, or should it ‘upgrade’ with the plan?

Hey @dsl101,

Ah, that is probably the issue. Can you try regenerating your JWT API Secret and try again?

If that does not work, I will have our team reset your JWT App.


I chatted with someone on Live chat this morning. We got disconnected, but very soon after it started working, so I’ve no idea what was wrong, but it’s resolved now :).

Many thanks,


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Great! Happy to hear it is working now! :slight_smile:

Let me know if you have additional questions.
