Verify Zoom Account Login and Password using API

We procured Zoomgov user accounts for our client and one of the requirements from our client is to verify if username and passwords for all the accounts procured are valid. I am trying to find an API which could verify if the provided Zoom account and Password tally. Can someone please provide me with details if there is an API or any other way to verify this programmatically so that we can automate this task?

Hey @pradeep.veeraballe,

Thank you for reaching out to the Zoom Developer Forum. Are you able to provide a bit more information when you refer to validating the username and password?

  1. By username do you mean the email or display name?
  2. What would constitute a valid username/password in this case?

When it comes to the List Users API you can use the verified property to confirm if a user has verified their email.

With the Get a User API, you can use the status and login_types properties to confirm if an account is active and how that user logs in:



Let me know if that helps.


Hi @MaxM, Thanks for the response. So basically, we got an excel sheet with list of zoom account logins and their passwords from our client. The ask from them is to verify if the login and passwords match for all the accounts listed in excel. Is there are API which verifies Zoom account Login and password instead of us having to manually login.

Hey @pradeep.veeraballe,

Thanks for clarifying your use case, I can definitely see the need to automate a process like that. Unfortunately, due to security concerns, we don’t have an API that would allow you to validate passwords as this could be easily abused.

Unfortunately, we don’t have another method. The best way might be to have the users check themselves on first login. That should distribute the task as much as possible.


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