Volume on/off button on the attendee side

On the attendee side there is a volume on/off button. In the Sample App I couldn’t find with function is connected to this button. Could you please guide me.

In TopPanelView.m file there is no audio button:

    [self addSubview:self.shrinkBtn];
    [self addSubview:self.cameraSwitchBtn];
    [self addSubview:self.titleLabel];
    [self addSubview:self.leaveBtn];

I am using the latest SDK : v4.4.55130.0712

Hi ssaylanc,

Thanks for the post. Are you referring to this icon(in red)?


The UI is Zoom UI, Most things are covered by the SDK.

TopPanelView.m is our Sample code to guide How to use a custom UI.

Zoomui is easy to use, but if zoom UI doesn’t fit your needs, you can develop a custom UI.


Hi Murray, yes that’s the mute button I am referring. But I couldn’t find the function to mute the audio in the code. Could you please guide me.

Hi ssaylanc,

The icon you are looking is the icon for switching the loudspeaker on/off. If you would like to control the audio in the code, you can use muteMyAudio(https://zoom.github.io/zoom-sdk-ios/category_mobile_r_t_c_meeting_service_07_audio_08.html#afe5b3b9a9339a7afd798d0e1e5265d69) to control that.

Hope this helps.Thanks!