Vuex data removed when zoom ( ZoomMtgEmbedded ) meeting leave

I am using the Vue js and using ZoomMtgEmbedded to integrate the component UI of zoom.

When I leave the meet as host then all the data in vuex is cleared.

Browser Console Error
NO Console log error

Which Web Meeting SDK version?

Meeting SDK Code Snippets

initEmbedClient() {
this.client = ZoomMtgEmbedded.createClient();

  const tmpPort =
    window.location.port === "" ? "" : ":" + window.location.port;
  const avLibUrl =
    window.location.protocol +
    "//" +
    window.location.hostname +
    tmpPort +

    debug: false,
    zoomAppRoot: document.getElementById("meetingSDKElement"),
    language: "en-US",
    assetPath: avLibUrl,
async joinAsHost() {

  const signature = await generateHostSignature(this.meetingNumber);

    apiKey: process.env.VUE_APP_ZOOM_API_KEY,
    signature: signature,
    meetingNumber: this.meetingNumber,
    userName: `${this.userDetails.userFirstName} ${this.userDetails.userLastName}`,
    password: this.meetingPassword,
    userEmail: this.userEmailId,

async joinAsStudent() {

  const signature = await generateParticipantSignature(this.meetingNumber);

    apiKey: process.env.VUE_APP_ZOOM_API_KEY,
    signature: signature,
    meetingNumber: this.meetingNumber,
    userName: `${this.userDetails.userFirstName} ${this.userDetails.userLastName}`,
    password: this.meetingPassword,
    userEmail: this.userEmailId ? this.userEmailId : "",


Device (please complete the following information):

  • Device: Dell
  • OS: Ubantu
  • Browser: [e.g. Chrome]

@ajayk My understanding is that this is because the page refreshes and the Vuex store is located in the memory for the page. I recommend caching the Vuex store to localStorage and use the current version as the key to allow for cache-busting.

Here is a guide on just that:

I hope that helps!

Our application must have to store data in session storage. Is there any other way to maintain with ZoomMtgEmbedded using vuex

@ajayk You can essentially follow that guide but store the values in sessionStorage instead of localStorage.

Here’s a guide on using a package called Vuex-Persist that handles a lot of that for you. In the guide where it says to use window.localStorage, you would just use window.sessionStorage:

Let me know if that helps.

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