We getting issue for small Participant List

We are using video sdk for react-native
@zoom1234/react-native-videosdk”: “^1.5.3",

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. First Participant join
  2. Second Participant also join
  3. When we click on the small Participant list for the change fullscreen

sometimes not change the full screen but change the small participant list
issue Video Link :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YZ1oSimskrjorjnRj2xJHrz0tY0Tcbpg/view?usp=sharing

Hi @mohsinali.emedstore
Thanks for reaching out to us.
could you please share more details about the issue? are you seeing any specific error?

Hi @elisa.zoom
Thanks for contacting us

We are not getting any code errors or anything.

please check above the video link. When a small Participant is to full screen then do not change to full screen but change the small Participant. and this issue is getting sometimes

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