Web SDK 1.8.5 & 1.8.6 fail to work

Web SDK 1.8.5 & 1.8.6 are not working using Angular 10 or more.

We are getting two errors in Console then Call does not start.

  1. webim.min.js:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ‘<’

  2. GET https://rwcprod.zoom.us/wc/ping/84611545764?ts=1610740962789&auth=hGr2-94to4EgiBFFPLD3WFoHatFBKAwdyuJ9vTFRzHI&rwcToken=PipVvOhLe2nQNOuvc8GLqiTF_OzjwrZ68TterOjHqpA&dmz=1 net::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID

main.b191be110177e8d511cb.js:1 >>>>>>>> CREATE JSMEDIASKD INSTANCE <<<<<<<<
main.b191be110177e8d511cb.js:1 stopRenderVideo

Which version?
1.8.5 as well as 1.8.6


  • Browser:[e.g. Chrome]

Hey @tommy we need urgent help in this regard.


+1 for this only I’m using React and getting the exact same errors. I can join a meeting and appear in the participants list but the player fails to function at all.

Hey @fayazvar.mobile and @ryan.b,

I would make sure that you are preloading the resources before attempting to join the meeting. You can see an example of this in the below post as well as our Sample Web App.

I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any questions.

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Thanks for getting back to us @MaxM

Thought I’d post a follow up just in case this helps anyone else. I was facing this issue when working on a VPN. Im assuming that was the true source of the issue as trying:

ZoomMtg.setZoomJSLib(“https://jssdk.zoomus.cn/1.8.6/lib”, “/av”); // china cdn option

From the sample CDN app has indeed solved the issue for me.

Thanks for your help

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Hey @ryan.b,

I’m glad to hear that resolved your issues! If you encounter any further issues or questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.


Hey @MaxM ,

There was one Example in GitHub written in Angular, is that updated by @tommy

Best Regards,

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Hey @fayazvar.mobile,

Yes, he handles updates to the Sample Angular App. I’m happy to answer any questions you may have though.


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