Web SDK Client View Other Page screen does not scroll and the mobile does not work

I am implementing react app referring to GitHub - zoom/meetingsdk-react-sample: Use the Zoom Meeting SDK in a React App.

import ZoomMtg from ‘@zoomus/websdk’; It was confirmed that the mobile web does not apply the moment you do it.

const zoomMeetingSDK = document.getElementById(‘zmmtg-root’)

// To hide
zoomMeetingSDK.style.display = ‘none’;

The above code doesn’t work either.

For my project, I want to use the Client View only on a specific page of the website, but on all pages.

Because this is applied, the mobile web size does not fit.

Also, other pages do not scroll even on the web (Chrome).

How do I solve it?

// To hide
zoomMeetingSDK.style.display = ‘none’;

append “trace(zoomMeetingSDK )” → result?

I would use css classes (-> addClass/removeClass) and append a custom class file at the end of the html - they conflict less with original zoom javascript programming

use the DOM debugger of the browser to test/append css rules

For my project, I want to use the Client View only on a specific page of the website, but on all pages.

use iFrames - but they are official NOT supported, because the ‘Cross-Origin Isolation’ is a bit harder to do


const zoomMeetingSDK = document.getElementById(‘zmmtg-root’)
// To hide
zoomMeetingSDK.style.display = ‘none’;

.fade-out {


I’m going to try the addClass you recommended.

I don’t know which attribute to put in css.

sorry… i’m beginner

“trace(zoomMeetingSDK )” result is


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=> classList: DOMTokenList [value: ‘’] ???

first test it direct in die browser console


if that works, you have to implement it into your normal Javascript


zoomMeetingSDK.style.display = ‘none’;

does not work at the same time, because “display: none” takes effect immediately and “fade-out” then has no effect


thanks you Jürgen!

I’ll keep trying!

zoom integration with react is not an ideal beginner project :slight_smile:

if you are a beginner in react and zoom I would recommend to start with the CDN version with plain javascript - even that is very demanding for a beginner


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