Web SDK doesn't work because of Previous Meetings


We found a bug in Web SDK that the meeting is not starting when many meetings accumulated in Previous Meetings. A test meeting didn’t start unless we cleaned up several past meetings in Previous Meeting section. @tommy @michael_p.zoom FYI

Hey @yagmur,

Thanks for reporting a bug. Please provide exact steps to reproduce the issue so we can debug.


Hi @tommy,

Thank you for the follow-up

We experience that when we setup several meetings (5~10) in a single day to test our backend API. We are not deleting meetings and they are piling up in the Previous Meetings. Then once we schedule a new successive meetings (say 3 meetings each with 15 min), those piled meetings seems confusing the requesting API. We observed that Zoom’s response being successful when we delete some of those past meetings, and we get the current meeting starts.

Hey @yagmur,

Can you provide a screenshot of the issue? I do not fully understand what the issue is.


Hi @tommy,

I wanted to be sure if this issue repeats and it repeated.
I set up 14 successive meetings with 15 min duration for each. The first 13 meetings started without an issue, but 14th meeting didn’t. I rebooted the computer but it was still hanging and meeting was not starting. But once I removed several previous meetings, 14th meeting started.
I attach the meeting list, you can check it out.

Thank you

Hey @yagmur,

Are you seeing an error message from the Web SDK? If so, please provide a screenshot here.


Hey @tommy,

It is not throwing an error message, our backend basically can not retrieve the meeting lists from Zoom api. Our backend is checking every minute if there is a new meeting created.

Hey @yagmur,

Which API are you using? Is there any error when making the API request?


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