Webhook event 'webinar.ended' continuing to return 500 error

Hey @tommy, thanks for looking into and sorry for the delay!

Based on the response of https://marketplace.zoom.us/docs/api-reference/zoom-api/webinars/pastwebinars webinar ID 908639025 has 2 past webinar instances:

  • 39xRIcqFTuaD05lrX4V9iQ==
  • OMh9UV3OSoe2tPRW//0xMw==

Below are the results of https://marketplace.zoom.us/docs/api-reference/zoom-api/reports/reportwebinardetails with ID and UUIDs:

  • First past instance UUID https://api.zoom.us/v2/report/webinars/39xRIcqFTuaD05lrX4V9iQ%3D%3D
"uuid": "39xRIcqFTuaD05lrX4V9iQ==",
"id": "908639025",
"type": 5,
"topic": "***redacted***",
"user_name": "***redacted***",
"user_email": "***redacted***",
"start_time": 1581011215000,
"end_time": 1581011964000,
"total_minutes": 13,
"participants_count": 2,
"duration": 13
  • Second past instance UUID https://api.zoom.us/v2/report/webinars/OMh9UV3OSoe2tPRW%2F%2F0xMw%3D%3D
"message"="Meeting ID is invalid or not end."
  • By webinar ID https://api.zoom.us/v2/report/webinars/908639025
"uuid": "OMh9UV3OSoe2tPRW//0xMw==",
"id": "908639025",
"type": 5,
"topic": "***redacted***",
"user_name": "***redacted***",
"user_email": "***redacted***",
"start_time": 1581012021000,
"end_time": 1581015426000,
"total_minutes": 1728,
"participants_count": 52,
"duration": 57

The last webinar is available by ID, but not UUID.

P.S. Can’t provide dashboard responses since my app doesn’t have required scope.

Hey @hsintegration,

Thanks for sharing this.

Are you double url encoding the second uuid since it includes slashes?

Try passing in: OMh9UV3OSoe2tPRW%252F%252F0xMw%253D%253D


Hey @tommy,

Double encoding did help - thank you!

Considering this is not very obvious “tweak”, I’d gently advice to update the documentation so that other people don’t hit the same issue.


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Hey @hsintegration,

Yeah I agree it is not obvious or an ideal fix. We are working on fixing the core issue of slashes in the uuids, and in the meantime will update our docs.

CC @shrijana.g


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