Webhook for converting a meeting to a webinar?

In Zoom UI, a user can convert an existing meeting to a webinar. It looks like there’s no corresponding webhook for this action (or at least I failed to find one). This is unfortunate, because webinars and meetings have different API endpoints. If a user converts an existing meeting to a webinar, our integration will be using Zoom Meeting API against Zoom webinars, predictably failing.

What’s the recommended approach to work around this issue?

Hey @konstantin.geyst,

Good point bringing this up. We do not have a recommended flow for this, or any webhooks to help.

What is the error returned when it has switched and you try to use the respective endpoint?


What is the error returned when it has switched and you try to use the respective endpoint?

status code: 400
error code: 3000

I believe this means “Cannot access meeting information”.

Hey @konstantin.geyst,

Thanks, is there any error message sent with the error codes?


The message is “Cannot access webinar info.”, which is slightly confusing, because I am using Meeting API.

Found this: Error trying to setup livestream - #4 by michael.zoom

Gotcha! I think I see where the confusion may be coming from, and I’ve documented within our team to work to clear this up. Your original request was to a meetings endpoint, which while the message says “Cannot access webinar info.”, is actually attempting to access Meeting information (through /meetings/{meetingId}/ )

Hey @konstantin.geyst,

Thanks, we will work on improving the error message.

I suggest if you receive that error message, notify the user about how your app does not support converting meetings to webinars or however you want to handle that flow.


Hi @tommy:)

Has this specification been improved? Can I join a webinar from an API-created URL, even if I’ve converted it from a meeting to a webinar?

Hey @kinjo,

You should still be able to join the webinar if the meetingID is the same. Otherwise, simply get the join_url from the Get Webinar endpoint.
