Webinar gallery mode shows a black screen

I encountered a technical problem and would like to consult a solution;

Our APP integrates the Zoom SDK, and we need to use the custom UI for normal meetings, but standard UI for Webinars, but we cannot distinguish whether a meeting number is a normal meeting or Webinar.

Our current plan is to use custom UI for all first, and if it is a Webinar, we would have a call in the callback onJoinWebinarNeedUserNameAndEmail, and then exit the custom UI page, and then open the non-custom UI mode to enter. This solution can enter Webinar normally, but when switching to gallery mode, it shows a black screen and no picture. I don’t know if it is a zoom bug. Please help to troubleshoot it;

Before we consider entering, if there is an API that can query whether the meeting number is webinar, we can determine which UI mode to use before entering. This solution will be better. Please help confirm whether there is such an API;

Thanks for your attention, no matter whether it helps.

Hey @yuejb,

Thanks for using the dev forum!

What platform are you using?


Thanks for attention,the problem occurs on both iOS and Android.

Hey @yuejb,

This is definitely an interesting situation. I ran some tests and it looks like the meeting service releases it is entering a webinar in the onMeetingStateChange callback while it is connecting. So you could try disabling custom UI by default, waiting for a connecting state, check the meeting type, if it is webinar enable custom UI and present it:

- (void)onMeetingStateChange:(MobileRTCMeetingState)state
    MobileRTCMeetingType type = [[[MobileRTC sharedRTC] getMeetingService] getMeetingType];
    if (state == MobileRTCMeetingState_Connecting && type == MobileRTCMeetingType_Webinar)
        [[MobileRTC sharedRTC] getMeetingSettings].enableCustomMeeting = true;
        // assign your custommeeting delegate and present your UI here


I may not make it clear, anyway thank you for your idea.
I tried it on Android, but when the onMeetingStatusChanged callback status is MEETING_STATUS_CONNECTING, the method ZoomSDK.getInstance().getInMeetingService().isWebinarMeeting() returns false, I wonder if it doesn’t know the meeting type as the meeting is in connecting.

if(meetingStatus == MeetingStatus.MEETING_STATUS_CONNECTING && ZoomSDK.getInstance().getInMeetingService().isWebinarMeeting()){

Hi @yuejb,

For determining whether a meeting is a webinar or regular meeting before joining, I don’t think the SDK is going to be the most effective approach. The client SDK is primarily used for in-meeting functionality. For obtaining information about the meeting before attempting to join, your best bet would be our REST APIs. If you need any assistance with finding the correct APIs for this, please feel free to reach out in #api-and-webhooks. :slightly_smiling_face:


Yes, I thought about querying the API before entering the meeting, I’ll try that, thank you anyway. :grinning:

Glad I was able to help!

Please feel free to reach back out with any additional SDK questions. :slightly_smiling_face:

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