WebSDK Join Meeting Button add to Website

Hello All,

I want to implement a Join Meeting Button on my Website and redirect it to a new Site where Meeting is Opening.
Same like the sample App here:
Zoom WebSDK - Documentation

I want to Submit the Name, Meeting Number, Password via Post in a Form.

How can i do that? I don’t know much about Javascript and don’t know where to start. Maybe someone can give me a code example. I searched but don’t find something.

Thanks for your help

Hi @kantarci.u,

Good question, and happy to help.

To that end, if you want to add a button to your site for someone to join a given meeting, you can use the join_url format for this.

The following URL will launch a meeting in the Zoom Client:

And the following URL will launch a meeting in the web browser:

If you want the participant information to be included automatically when they join a meeting, we recommend enabling registration for your meeting and using the Add Meeting Registrant endpoint:

This endpoint returns a unique join_url for each registered participant, which will include details about their name, etc.

Let me know if this helps!

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Hi @will.zoom,

Thanks for your answer.
Maybe i can use a link with all the information. But i want the easiest way for the user.

he should just click the button and join the meeting. All the necessary information is already available and I would give it via the URL or POST. It would work with the API but I don’t know how to do it.

I would even prefer the meeting to start via my page / url

Thank you

Hi @kantarci.u,

The simplest way to achieve this would be to call the GET Meeting API and retrieve the join_url provided by the API response:

If your button needs to be dynamic for different meetings, however, you’ll need to have logic to update the meeting ID accordingly.


Hello @will.zoom,

to Update the Meeting ID is no Problem via PHP or something else…

The Problem is, i don’t know where to start… Have you an example site for me?

Thanks for your help

Hey @kantarci.u.

I don’t have an example site, but I do have an example of how to fetch a Meeting URL programmatically using PHP :slight_smile: :


$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
  CURLOPT_URL => "https://api.zoom.us/v2/meetings/{meetingId}",
    "authorization: Bearer {token}"

$response = curl_exec($curl);
$err = curl_error($curl);


if ($err) {
  echo "cURL Error #:" . $err;
} else {
  echo $response;

Let me know if this helps!



thanks for help.

This works with a Token. But I don’t know this is that what I’m searching for…

I want when the user klick on a button. He joing the Meeting in my page. I don’t want to start the meeting via API.

Is this right?

Hi @kantarci.u,

This API endpoint returns a join_url which is the URL that should be used to join a meeting (via the Zoom Desktop Client). The only other URL type we provide is for joining via the web browser, referenced here.

These would be the two available options—let me know if you have further questions about either of these. :slight_smile:


Hi @will.zoom ,

Okay, now i understand what you want to tell me :slight_smile:

But this is not what i want.

I want Join Meeting without Zoom Client or Zoom Site.

Hi @kantarci.u,

Thanks for clarifying—at this time, these are the only join methods/URLs that we support for joining a meeting. If you’re interested in embedding the Zoom Meeting experience entirely on it’s own page, which can be opened in a new tab, I recommend leveraging our Web SDK.

I hope this helps to clarify, but let me know if you have questions about this.


Hi @will.zoom,

this is what i want to know :slight_smile: i don’t know wher to start. I want to send my data to one Page and this one page should start my embedded Meeting.

Hey @kantarci.u,

Thank you for your question! If you wanted to create your own URLs to join or start meetings, you would want to write routing for your app that is able to take information from the URL and redirect the user to a page where you have embedded zoom.

If you wish to embed Zoom on your site or app, you will likely want to use a combination of our APIs (for creating and scheduling live meetings) and our Web SDK (for embedding the Zoom Meeting/video experience on your site/app). Details below on each of these.

API and SDK Overview
We offer both APIs and SDKs for you to consider when planning an integration/implementation in an application. You may find the below information helpful for your web developer.

Here are some APIs that you can consider using within your application:
Create Meetings: To create a meeting (including instant meetings)
List Meetings: To Display the schedule Meetings
Retrieve Meeting: To get a specific meeting

Some additional tips:
Once the meeting is created you can send the “start_url” to the hosts and “join_url” to the participants.
To get a list of past meeting participants, you can use this endpoint.
To display live meetings you can use the meeting started webhook.

To get real-time participant events, please use:
https://marketplace.zoom.us/docs/api-reference/webhook-reference/meeting-events/participant-joined-meeting and

You can find our webhook meeting events here and a list of all our APIs here.

We also have a Web SDK that you can consider integrating into your website:

Authentication Methods
We have two authentication types:

JSON Web Token (JWT):
JWT is an account-wide app and is available to all the admins and owners of the account. You can have only 1 JWT marketplace app registered in your account. You can generate multiple JWT tokens using the JWT keys, and the tokens operate independently of each other until expired or the credentials have been changed.

A JWT token will contain all the permissions, and there is no way to restrict it. A JWT token is only valid for your account.

To know more, please visit: https://marketplace.zoom.us/docs/guides/auth/jwt

OAuth 2.0:
You can use an OAuth App if you want to have limited permissions for your token. To set up access credentials and request scopes for your app, create an OAuth app on the Marketplace. Follow the Create an OAuth App guide for a full walkthrough.
OAuth2 endpoints are located at https://zoom.us/oauth/.

Depending on the App type (Account Level or User Managed), the app needs to be authorized by either the account admin or the user. To know more, please visit: https://marketplace.zoom.us/docs/guides/build#understanding-app-types


Hi @MaxM,

I know what to do. I Need a Onepage Code where the meeting starts. But i don’t know how to do it.

I need to generate Signatur via Api then Join meeting.

Maybe someone have a code for me?

Hey @kantarci.u,

Got it! Thank you for clarifying. I recommend looking into our Sample Web App as a reference for how you can implement the Web SDK.

Please see our documentation on generating a signature for information and examples on generating a signature. We also have an example in our Sample Web App:

I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any questions.


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