What kind of metrics are/will be available for Sessions?

I understand we are on our own when it comes to most metrics, but there’s not a single API call to get high-level information such as LIST /meetings ?

That would make it impossible to confirm our code is working properly in some cases, would it not?

For example when getting started with Agora, I used their API to check basic things such as:

  • Question: “Does my code successfully disconnect the user from the Zoom session, therefore I’m no longer consuming usage minutes?”
  • Endpoint: GET https://api.agora.io/dev/v1/channel/<channel_id>
  • Evaluation: If the channel (or “topic” in Zoom speak) isn’t listed in the response, all is well. Otherwise, my code is not working / the user is still connected.

Without basic endpoints like these, there is no way for us to know with 100% certainty we are not using Zoom resources (and therefore our own resources, once the bill comes around :moneybag:)

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