XCode 15 - zoomcml.framework is invalid. The Info.plist file is missing the required key CFBundleVersion, CFBundleShortVersionString


We have updated the XCode to 15.0.1 today and while trying to release the app to Test Flight, the below errors are thrown.

Asset validation failed
The bundle 'Payload/xxxx.app/Frameworks/zoomcml.framework' is missing plist key. 
The Info.plist file is missing the required key: CFBundleShortVersionString. Please find more information about CFBundleShortVersionString at https://developer.apple.com/documentation/bundleresources/information_property_list/cfbundleshortversionstring (ID: fb7d1325-2d81-461c-bad9-e8f6ba41e881)

Asset validation failed
This bundle Payload/xxxx.app/Frameworks/zoomcml.framework is invalid.
 The Info.plist file is missing the required key: CFBundleVersion. Please find more information about CFBundleVersion at https://developer.apple.com/documentation/bundleresources/information_property_list/cfbundleversion (ID: 153b7c8a-2c4d-4660-974d-c0f102275c26)

I have tried adding CFBundleVersion, CFBundleShortVersionString manually to zoomcml.framework/info.plist file, but still getting the same issue.


Which iOS Meeting SDK version?

The app is uploaded successfully if we the built the project with XCode 14. Please help us resolving the issue.

Thank you

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Hello Zoom Dev forum team, Any update on this?

@adminwise, @ravi8x
Currently, the maximum supported Xcode version is 13 for Meeting SDK v5.11.10 and above:

Hello @donte.zoom

But we were able to release the app using XCode 14.x without any issues. Now we can’t downgrade the OS or the XCode. Do you have any suggestions on how this can be resolved?

@ravi8x ,

It’s great that you were able to release the app using XCode 14.x! Since there weren’t many changes from version 13 to 14, it makes sense. However, at the moment XCode to 15.0.1 is currently not supported. Therefore, there is no solution to resolve the behavior you are experiencing as the SDK has not been updated to support that version of Xcode.

@donte.zoom I was able to release the app by manually adding the missing keys. I have followed these steps.

  1. Generate the archive file using XCode 15
  2. Convert the binary zoomcml.framework/Info.plist to xml format using below command
cd /Users/.../Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2023-10-26/MyApp.xcarchive/Products/Applications/MyApp.app/Frameworks/zoomcml.framework/

plutil -convert xml1 Info.plist
  1. Added the missing keys and save the file.
  1. Upload the archive using XCode. Then it got uploaded successfully.

Are you planning to add these keys and release the updated SDK anytime soon?

That’s great news! Thanks for sharing your solution, @ravi8x ! In order to stay informed about the most recent updates and releases, we highly recommend following the change logs. By doing so, you will have access to all the latest information and be able to stay up-to-date with the newest features and improvements.

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