Zoom android sdk integration in android dynamic feature module

This is a known issue with android Dynamic Feature modules. See this related StackOverflow question.

The zoom SDK uses styles that are unknown to your base module.

As a workaround, do the following:

  1. go to your main app module
  2. Create a styles.xml file (if you don’t have one already) in the res/values folder
  3. Add the missing style declarations, so your file looks like this:

    <!-- Fix manifest merge issues since the dynamic delivery module uses styles which are not
    defined in the base app module -->
    <style name="ZMTheme"></style>
    <style name="ZMTheme.Transparent"></style>
    <style name="ZMTheme.SubWindow"></style>
    <style name="ZMDialog"></style>
    <style name="ZMDialog.Transparent"></style>


  1. Add the following missing string resource to /res/values/strings.xml as well
<string name="zm_app_name"></string>

Your project should now work again.