Zoom API Rate Limits

I’m getting the same error as well with a Discourse plugin that ties into Zoom, I’m not the developer just a user so forgive my ignorance. The developer says the plugin should only be making 2 api calls and should not be hitting the limit in any way.

Here’s the discussion on Discourse: https://meta.discourse.org/t/zoom-webinars-plugin/142711/5

Here is the call log:

endpoint: "https://api.zoom.us/v2/users/VI4TWwOvT-SKaycEEMws8w",
response_headers: [
"Set-Cookie: cred=73B256F7AFD1CC7FEA83613B92876F28; Path=/; Secure; HttpOnly"
date_time: "2020-03-25 11:42:17",
method: "GET",
request_body: "N/A",
response: {
code: 429,
message: "You have reached the maximum per-second rate limit for this API. Try again later."
request_headers: [
"authorization: ******",
"connection: close"
request_params: [
http_status: "429"
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