Zoom API returns inaccurate Total Minutes number

We are using the API to work with Webinars exclusively, not Meetings.

The API call for https://api.zoom.us/v2/report/webinars/$webinarID returns the Total Minutes in a Webinar. However, that number does not match the number reported when manually adding Zoom attendees in reports from the Zoom web site.

For 98259397442, the API returns 99 mins. The total is 101 minutes when adding up the exported report.

The problem is exacerbated by larger events. For Webinar ID 94925113743, the API returned 31638 minutes. However, when I exported the report and manually calculates the minutes there, the amount was 242,630.
210,992 is a lot of minutes to be off.

Webinar ID 98654169441 reported 2472 MORE minutes than the actual report displays.
I’ve been tracking events manually for part of June and July and it’s consistently incorrect.

Hey @cholscher,

Thanks for raising this with us.

Is it possible to share the following with me so that I can help investigate?

  • Example request to the /webinars/webinar endpoint, and response
  • The corresponding report export where you see the discrepancy


Hello Will,

Here’s where I am with this.
Attendee Type: Minutes
Host: 121
Panelists: 1472
Attendees: 2475
Other: 1086 (448 phone mins)

5154 manual total minutes - 448 phone = 4706 Web Mins
5107 API total minutes

47 mins fewer on API than by looking at report and calculating totals.

I’ve pasted the request and response below.


my $webinarID = "99941630292";
my $json = q|{ }|;
$json =~ s/"/\\"/g;
my $return_json = `curl -s --request GET --url "https://api.zoom.us/v2/report/webinars/$webinarID" -- 
header "authorization: Bearer $jwt" --header "content-type: application/json" --data "$json"`;
my $json = JSON::MaybeXS->new(utf8 => 1, pretty => 1, sort_by => 1);
my $json_pretty = $json->encode($json->decode($return_json));
print "response\n";
print $json_pretty;
print "\n\n";


"dept" : "",
"duration" : 121,
"end_time" : "2020-07-29T16:21:30Z",
"host_id" : "duLzJYJCQiqXjqvvnj9GMQ",
"id" : 99941630292,
"participants_count" : 96,
"start_time" : "2020-07-29T14:21:08Z",
"topic" : "GHANA: BCIU Virtual Roundtable with H.E. Ken Ofori-Atta, Minister of Finance, Republic of Ghana",
"total_minutes" : 5107,
"tracking_fields" : [],
"type" : 5,
"user_email" : "zoom100_E8_064@eshostaccount.com",
"user_name" : "Event Services",
"uuid" : "cvzLP3NLTAOQhKJFdWhDAw=="

I don’t see a way to upload a file so I’ve shared it. Please let me know if you’re not able to access it.

Hi @cholscher,

Thank you for providing these additional details. Our team is looking into this (ZOOM-209005).


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