Zoom App Integration

I was calling an API using access token generated by OAuth.

But encountered an error
“code”: 4700,
“message”: “Invalid access token, does not contain scopes: [zms:dashboard_meetings:read, dashboard:read:admin, dashboard_meetings:read:admin]”

My account is licenced account and my role is Admin.
Still get this error.

Hey @ananthan.vr, thanks for posting and using Zoom!

Please make sure your OAuth app has the required scopes on the Scopes page in the marketplace settings.


And that you have a Business or a higher plan.


But it doesn’t show a dashboard on the scope Page

Could I know which plan can access the dashboard scope.
My organisation uses a paid plan. But I need to confirm the exact plan.

Hey Tommy,
We have a business account.

Hey @ananthan.vr,

I figured out the issue. Your app is a user level OAuth app.

The Dashboard scopes are only for Account level OAuth apps.

Try creating a new OAuth app and choose the Account Level option, and then you will find the correct scope.


Thanks Tommy
Its worked.
I need to integrate my app like the LinkedIn Sales Navigator App in Zoom.
How could it be possible? Such a tight Integration, not redirecting to a browser tab except for authentication.

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Hey @ananthan.vr, happy to hear that worked!

The Linked in Sales Navigator app has special access to the Zoom Client since it was developed internally by us.


Hi @tommy,
I am also trying to create account level Oauth app. I have business account and I am admin.
But it is still showing me error that I don’t have permission and contact IT administration. Let me know what I am missing here.

After removing scopes, as present in screenshot I was able to create Oauth App.

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Happy to hear you figured it out!

Let me know if you have any other questions.
