Zoom App Notification

Hey Guys,

Iam trying to add a functionality to display push notification, just to display some info to user, i used some Zoom AppSdk function and i find this function

 await zoomSdk.showNotification({
type: “info”,
title: “Hello”,
message: “This is an info notification”

but i dont understand why the sound is not popup and how do i customize ? like logo and some styles .
so can anybody help me to give some suggestion, is it good way to display push notification or there is something else ?


@MaxM @michael.zoom can you guys help me please?


Hi @TimDave
Thanks for reaching out to the Zoom Developer Forum.
Are you still looking for guidance here?

Hi @elisa.zoom
Glad to see you.
yes, iam still wondering how can i handle notification in Zoom app ,
like i created an app which runs in Zoom client i want to show notification when user’s meeting about to start so iam thinking which way should i pick, is there anything zoom provide for that etc.


hi @elisa.zoom any update ?