Zoom Create A Meeting API Issue

I am integrating my Zoom’s Create a meeting API with one of my Web Application, I have created a form through which I am passing all the data in JSON format to the API, now the issue is when I am passing the data, the start_time which i am passing is of future to create a scheduled meeting, but the meeting is being generated on the current date. For example: Suppose I have passed the start_time as “2020-10-23T06:45” but the meeting which is generated is of today (2020-10-21T06:45). I have no clue how to get it working, as i am finding no error.

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?
I am using a JWT Type App.

Screenshots (If applicable)

Hey @siddharth

Thanks for posting on the Zoom Devforum! I am still learning, but I will try my best to help answer your question. :slightly_smiling_face:

Checkout this related thread that may have the answer you are looking for:

If this thread did not help, please let us know by replying back here and someone from the Developer Relations team will get back to you shortly.


No, this post doesn’t help.

Hey @siddharth,

Happy to look into this for you. Thanks for providing that screenshot with the API response. In order to take a closer look, can you also share the full request URL and body of the request you’re sending?


Hey @siddharth,

Are you sharing the request body or the response body here? It looks like it might still be the latter since you’re still viewing the response tab. Can you share where you’re initially passing in a different start_time value?


The JSON which I have shared is the request body

Hi @siddharth,

Are you experiencing this same issue if you test the same request in Postman or cURL? I’m wondering if there could be something specific to your environment that’s causing this.

Let me know if you’re able to test this and confirm.


Could you please suggest to me how to save the meeting start time which I am receiving from the create meeting API to my database, as the time which I am receiving is in GMT format, but when I try to convert that time to local time using strtotime function of PHP, it adds GMT hours to the start time and makes the time difference . I want to save the start time on my database only by converting it to local timezone time.

Hi @siddharth,

Generally, we recommend that you store meeting times in your database as GMT and then convert these to local time on your front end when serving up your meeting content. (This is what Zoom does, for instance, when you view your meetings in the Zoom UI).

However, this approach, and how you convert the time you receive from our API on your server, is up to your discretion.


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