Zoom Events and API Feasibility

I want to integrate Zoom Events and my platform using APIs. Can someone help me out with which APIs should we use for the following and whether it is possible using Zoom Events:

  1. Multiple, concurrent meeting with distinct hosts: I can see I can create different sessions and events using APIs. Can someone explain the flow- Am I supposed to create a hub first on the Events platform and then create events and sessions using APIs?
  2. Is there any API using which I can configure the settings for my Hub and Zoom Event on my platform?
  3. API for automatic updation of session status on Zoom Events
  4. If i schedule a event/session using APIs, will Zoom Events still send the invitation emails to the added participants?
  5. API for cancelling events and sessions. Again for this will Zoom Events still send the cancellation invitations to the participants?
  6. Is there any specific API for removing or adding specific participants after a session has already been scheduled before?