Zoom JWT to OAuth App Migration


I am looking to migrate JWT app to OAuth App in Zoom. I want to go with Server to Server OAuth App creation in order to support the migration. We have one Master account and multiple sub accounts as part of our zoom requirement. Each subaccount has some users who can create/edit/delete the meeting.

Just wanted a confirmation on the below points:
i) Is it fine to create the Server to Server Oauth App only in Master account instead of individual Sub account? Or do we need to create individually in each subaccount?

ii) Will the APIS will continue to work for the Subaccounts if we the App is created in Master account and the required scopes are added?

iii) Will there be any security issue if we use Master account S-2-S OAuth App
credentials ?

Please confirm.


Hi @sripada.pallavi ,

The server to server OAuth app type created in the master account should work just fine as long as the correct scopes are selected. Note that you will only have access to the scopes if you have the corresponding permission in your Zoom.us account.

Also note that, the token is valid only for 1 hr, so you will have to generate a new token after the current one expires.

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Thanks for responding.

Hi ,

We are facing one issue and please help us with the earliest possible time.
We were able to generate Oauth token and the token is working fine when we use it in the zoom APIs without any issues.

But if we create another token (ex: New Token created in postman), the previous token is not working any more (created in Application). Is there any way to validate if the token is valid or not.

We would be waiting for the response.


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