Zoom Meeting SDK for Flutter

Hello! We are a flutter shop delivering telehealth to hundreds of heart patients every day. We currently maintain a custom implementation of the Meeting SDK for Flutter. With the recent release of the Video SDK, we’d like to know if the Zoom team has any plans to release a Zoom Meeting SDK written in Flutter.

@recorakyle ,

Thank you for posting in the Zoom Development Forum. Currently, there are no plans to release a Zoom Meeting SDK written in Flutter. If you would like to have this considered for future development, please submit a request to have it added to the roadmap.

Hi @donte.zoom, could you help provide a little more information about what Zoom does plan to support for the Flutter community?

Is the perspective at Zoom that folks should be writing their own custom UI and leveraging the Flutter SDK you already released?

Any chance Zoom will be releasing a UI library for Flutter?

Hi, @recorakyle,

Currently, Zoom supports Flutter with Video SDK. However, the meeting SDK for Flutter is not yet supported. Nevertheless, you have the option to create your own Flutter wrapper. I have found some GitHub repositories that maintain the Zoom Meeting SDK. If you choose to build your own wrapper, you can promote it here to see how the community can potentially support it.

Hi Dante,
Thanks for the reply. You mention that “the meeting SDK for Flutter is not yet supported.” Does this mean that there are plans on the Zoom roadmap to offer Meeting SDK support in the future?

Let me try to articulate my core question more clearly. How does Zoom recommend the Flutter community to leverage its SDK? Would Zoom be willing to provide a barebones UI for folks who don’t need to write their own custom UI? This would establish parity between Flutter and the other SDKs Zoom offers. Otherwise, since some kind of UI will obviously be required, what is the recommendation for how to use the Video SDK?

Thanks for answering!

Can you please provide these Github repos so I can move a step further.

Hello, thank you for your comment. I currently do not have the links to the meeting or the SDK flutter repositories, @recorakyle ! However, I recommend searching on GitHub, as that’s where I came across it before and noticed many people were using that repo. I tried to look on my own but was unable to find it at this time