Zoom Product for AI Agent Hosting Meeting

We aim to develop an app/service that enables our users on our platforms to create AI Agents, and let their clients initiate a meeting through either a fixed or dynamically generated link. When the client joins the meeting via Zoom, it will be hosted by an AI agent.

We have successfully created AI agents using Speech-to-Text (STT), Large Language Models (LLM), and Text-to-Speech (TTS) technologies, which are currently functioning well on Twilio calls. We now want to extend this functionality to Zoom video meetings, where our AI agents will host the meeting whenever a client of our user joins.

Please let us know:

  1. Which Zoom Product/API/SDK will help us accomplish our goal?
  2. What is the streaming format of Zoom? We are using mulaw format with Twilio, and ideally would like to use the same, if possible
  3. Can we have a meeting to understand and clarify our doubts?

Thank you

I would suggest that you look into developing a Zoom App for your service.

@closerx, it sounds like you should build a meeting bot to join the Zoom call, and have the bot stream audio/video into the call as an AI Agent.

To build a meeting bot for this use case, you should check out the Recall.ai API for audio/video streaming into Zoom: