Zoom_sdk_dotnet_wrap.dll error

when join meeting Could not load file or assembly ‘zoom_sdk_dotnet_wrap.dll’ or one of its dependencies.
Which version?
windows sdk 5.0.244

To Reproduce(If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. join meeting with JWT token

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Device (please complete the following information):

  • Device Spec: PC
  • OS: Windows 10,
  • Version 10.15.1

Additional context
It’s strange if we install vc++ redistributable package it can work right

Hey @guiltdriver,

Thanks for using the dev forum!

You are trying to use the C# wrapper correct? If so, did you follow the steps here: https://marketplace.zoom.us/docs/sdk/native-sdks/windows/c-sharp-wrapper


I think the use is correct, most our meeting is work fluency,but if we don’t install vc++ redistributable package, it can’t join meeting

Hey @guiltdriver,

I believe this is just because the SDK is technically capable of running without the use of Visual Studio. Is there an issue with using the vc++ redistributable package in your environment?


@Michael_Condon thank you for your reply,we have fix it by add vc++ as runtime in our application

Hey @guiltdriver,

Awesome, I am glad you got it working!

Please let us know if you have any other questions