Zoom User Authentication

I am looking to add an Events page to my website that allows users to create an event and make it available for those accessing the website. If the creator wants an Online event that will use zoom, I need an easy, streamlined way for them to link their zoom to this website. Just like google, I would like a ‘sign in with zoom’ option.
These are the steps I need to follow:

  1. OAuth 2.0 to authorise connection between your website account and Zoom account.
  2. Create Event on Website
  3. Using Zoom’s Meeting API, on event creation, send [Create a Meeting] api endpoint from website to Zoom to create meeting in Zoom (website event fields will have to match API)
  4. In response to [Create a Meeting] the API will then send [join_url] back to the website event.

I am using the wordpress event manager plugin.
Does anyone have any idea how achieve this without forcing the user creating an online event to find their over clientID and client secret key?

You can create OAuth app which allow you to authorize connection between your website account and Zoom . Here is our documentation on this topic:

For steps 2 and 3, use the Create a Meeting API endpoint to set up a meeting. You need to send a POST request to the backend server, which then communicates with the Zoom endpoint. Here is the link to the endpoint:

Create a meeting

Once a successful call is made to the ‘create meeting’ API endpoint, the response will include the ‘join url’ which can be displayed on your site.

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