Zoom Web SDK shows Joining Meeting Timeout. Fail to join the meeting

Hi, this is to let you all know that I have finally succeeded in implementing the SDK. The time was creating the problem. Please find the correct code below.

@app.route('/meeting/<IDP>', methods=['GET'])
def meet(IDP):
    ID = IDP[:IDP.index(' ')]
    payload = {'sdkKey': SDK_KEY, "mn": ID, "role": 0, "iat": int(time.time()), "exp": int(time.time())+4*3600, "tokenexp": int(time.time())+4*3600}
    encoded = jwt.encode(payload, SDK_SECRET, algorithm="HS256")
    return render_template('meeting.html', signature = encoded)

But, I am facing another problem.

I want to remove the details that can be found in the top left corner of the meeting.

Is it possible to remove this option? If yes, please help me.