Update meeting API rate limit

On the update meeting API documentation it says “This API has a rate limit of 100 requests per day”. But it’s not clear that if it’s per meeting or it applies to whole account?

Hey @hdogan,

It is per user. So basically you can only call the Update Meeting API 100 times for a single user in a 24 hour period.



We are API partner and we are using instant meetings without user login.
We are using https://marketplace.zoom.us/docs/api-reference/zoom-api/meetings/meetingcreate that has a limit of 100 requests per day for a single user. How can we extend this limit ?

Also, does SDK startmeeting with user PMI has this limitation? Since create API has limitation, we might consider using user PMI and start unlimited meetings.

Hey @okan,

Are you hitting the rate limit?

No, since it would be one long meeting.


Not, currently however it is a possibility for our use case. If I understood correctly what your saying, “start meeting”

Like below from windows SDK


virtual SDKError IMeetingService::Start ( StartParam & startParam ) pure virtual

Client SDK does not have any limit.

As an example, one user can call start a meeting with its PMI and end meeting. Repeat that process unlimited times in 24 hours. Is that correct?

Hey @okan,

@carson.zoom can clarify, but yes. The limitation is not on how many times the meeting is started, but on how many times a meeting is created.
