hello, i,d wanted to integrate Zoom in Odoo 13, that uses in my company, but i can’t find ani api instructions about that. Can you plese help me.
how to get client_id
is there any way to create test app for localhost?
Hey @mymaine555,
Yes, simply use localhost as your redirect and whitelist url. If that does not work, try using ngrok.io with your localhost server, and add your ngrok url as your redirect and whitelist url.
Alredy get it. Create App, but when try to get access_token, don’t get were to get it.
- send request to https://zoom.us/oauth/authorize and get in response url with “code”
- send request to https://zoom.us/oauth/token and ger response with “status_code=200” but don’t get where in response fields
{ "access_token", "token_type", "refresh_token", "expires_in", "scope"}
like shown in example “OAuth 2.0”
By the way big thanks for helping me, hope don’t look wery stupid in your mind
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Hey @mymaine555,
Are you passing in the required query params in step 2?
You are welcome, happy to help!