Is there a size limit for the agenda field?

A user of our application is getting the following response when sending a valid JSON update for a meeting. The agenda string is quite long, and i suspect it’s a length issue but can’t find documentation about the max length allowed for an agenda.

the json response from the zoom Update Meeting api is:

{"code":300,"message":"Validation Failed.","errors":[{"field":"agenda","message":"Invalid field."}]}

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?

Which Endpoint/s?
PATCH v2/meetings/meetingId

How To Reproduce (If applicable)
Not sure, this is the only meeting i’ve seen the problem for.

Additional context
The string length of the agenda being sent is 2160 characters long.

Edit: From the web UI, the description field seems to disallow input beyond 2000 characters, I assume this is the top limit?

Hi @Adam_Wulf

You are correct. The max length is 2000 chars.


awesome, thanks for the confirmation! stay safe!


Thanks for your help Shrijana! :slight_smile:
