Regarding the title, I want to know whether such like behavior is expected or not.
The situation is as bellow.
I usually use own zoom account.
Some guy(A) sometimes create zoom meeting using his account and zoom API(JWT)
A will give me start_url to make me join the meeting as host instead of him.
I could not join as own account from join_url automatically(or asked to sign in again) after once i join meeting from start_url as host. Always will join as host…
The above steps, i do not want to join as host in the step 4.
My expect was that i will join as own account or i’m asked sign in again)
start_url is published by Create a meeting(/users/{userId}/meetings) with JWT.
Is this behavior you expect? Or Is there any way to control in my case?
Hi @yu.ikarashi, to be clear, the start URL should never be provided to anyone except the intended host of the meeting (userID who has created the meeting).
The start URL contains a ZAK (Zoom Access Token) on the end which is unique to the host of the meeting; in this case, Some guy (A)
If you are looking to create multiple co-hosts of a meeting, I would recommend setting alternative hosts when creating a meeting (via API or not). This would allow a logged-in user to be a co-host of the meeting.
I’ve also tried to create co-hosts of a meeting setting by alternative hosts.
But A could not publish meeting setting alternative host to my account, because my account is free plan…
Anyway i understood what you mean and recommended usage of zoom.
Please let me confirm about ZOOM-171226.
The fix is already released and the release note (23.Aug) is as bellow right?
Zoom Room automatically becomes co-host
The Zoom Room will now automatically become co-host if it was originally scheduled as the host of the meeting and joined after the alternative host, or if the Zoom Room rejoins the meeting after assigning a different host.