1 step: Download. 2 step: open. 3. Step: get lots mistakes ) NOBODY USES OBJECT_C

1 step: Download. 2 step: open. 3. Step: get lots mistakes. I spent 4 hours and I don’t understand what problem is. by the way even Facebook already has “swift documentation”. maybe it’s time for you to create ‘swift documentation’?

No profile for team ‘BJ4HAAB9B3’ matching ‘MobileRTCSample’ found: Xcode couldn’t find any provisioning profiles matching ‘BJ4HAAB9B3/MobileRTCSample’. Install the profile (by dragging and dropping it onto Xcode’s dock item) or select a different one in the Signing & Capabilities tab of the target editor.

Hey @hortondima

Thanks for using the dev forum!

Swift documentation is on the way and will be available soon. In the meantime, we are more than happy to supply Swift versions of any code mentioned in the Objective-C documentation here.

The error

No profile for team ‘BJ4HAAB9B3’ matching ‘MobileRTCSample’

means that you are attempting to build to your device using a provisioning profile that does not contain your device. This happens on the sample application because a provisioning profile is specified under MobileRTCSample → “Signing and Capabilities”.

You must use your own AppleID in XCode to build to your device. After you have logged in with your AppleID in XCode, you can check “Automatically manage signing” under MobileRTCSample → “Signing and Capabilities”. You can also manually specify a profile by generating one on developer.apple.com.

Let me know if you have any other questions.

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I use objective c for my project. It’s one reason why I choose zoom. I hope that they always have support for objective c.