429 error on meeting/{meetingId}/livestream/status PATCH endpoint



When we call this API endpoint /meetings/{meetingId}/livestream/status with action “start” as parameter, it is very common to get a 429 error, even if the time between the requests is higher than 10 seconds. It doesn’t happen when the parameter passed is action “stop” though.

429: Too many requests submitted to start the live stream of this meeting: <MEETING_ID>. If the live stream has not already started, retry making a new request after 30 seconds.

How To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
*1. Request URL / Headers (with credentials.) / Body: {action: "start"}
*2. Authentication method: Server to Server tokens
*3. Error mentioned above

*1. Request URL / Headers (with credentials.) / Body: {action: "start"}
*2. Authentication method: Server to Server tokens
*3. Error mentioned above

Hi @renecern
Thanks for reaching out to us! I am happy to help here!
I just wanted to check in with you to confirm if you are still getting this issue or if you were able to troubleshoot this rate limit error that you are getting.