405 error code, when trying to acces /meetings/{meetingId}/livestream endpoint

So basically, I am trying to acces the livestream data, including the voice, and video of the meeting participants. I am using oauth2 user managed type api.
I am using webhook, to catch the moment, when owner starts the meeting, it works successfully. After the hook is catched, I am trying to access the livestream data, and I’m getting this error.

And another question, can I catch the moments, when people in the meeting turn on, and turn off their microphones?

If I am trying to execute the following python code:
res = requests.post(url, data = {“stream_url”: redirectURL+"/livestream", “stream_key”: “streamkey”, “page_url”: redirectURL+"/livestream/123", ‘access_token’:userSessions[clientID][‘token’]} , headers = {‘Content-Type’:‘application/json’, ‘Authorization’:'Bearer '+ userSessions[clientID][‘token’]})

It gives me an HTML document with 405 error code in it.

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?

Which Endpoint/s?

How To Reproduce (If applicable)

Screenshots (If applicable)
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Additional context
The full code: https://paste.geekclass.ru/?id=GPFKIG

Hey @vladimirsachkov2003,

Are you using this endpoint?

Make sure to use PATCH not POST.
