Ability to disable side-by-side/gallery view

How do we disable the side-by-side view thats available when the user swipes to the left? This view displays both the hosts video and the user’s video.

Which version?

To Reproduce(If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Start a zoom call.
  2. Once connected, swipe to the left to access side-by-side view.

Smartphone (please complete the following information):

  • Device: Acer A30/A40 Tablets
  • OS: Android
  • Version 23+

Additional context
When the meeting is launched I can see 2 dots at the bottom of the VideoView in what looks like and behaves like a ViewPager.

Turns out the term I was using was incorrect. It’s called “GalleryView” internally.

To disable it:

private void setupZoomMeetingSettings() {
    MeetingSettingsHelper helper = ZoomSDK.getInstance().getMeetingSettingsHelper();
    helper.setGalleryVideoViewDisabled(true); // disable side-by-side/gallery view
    helper.enableForceAutoStartMyVideoWhenJoinMeeting(true); // force video on

Hi moe.hamoud.cdx,

Thanks for using Zoom SDK and glad to hear that the problem was resolved. Yes, in order to disable the gallery view, you can call https://zoom.github.io/zoom-sdk-android/us/zoom/sdk/MeetingSettingsHelper.html#setGalleryVideoViewDisabled-boolean- to disable it(Which is the one you are using).

Let us know if you have any other questions. Thanks!