Disable gallary view not work on default ui

Hello Support team, i’m developing app with zoom sdk and i want to hide all other participant which will view after swipe on screen. i’m using default UI of sdk. can you please help ASAP.

we already try bellow method but that not disable swipe option on screen.

MeetingSettingsHelper helper = ZoomSDK.getInstance().getMeetingSettingsHelper();
helper.setGalleryVideoViewDisabled(true); // disable side-by-side/gallery view
helper.enableForceAutoStartMyVideoWhenJoinMeeting(true); // force video on

Hi @yirela4403, thanks for using our SDK.

Can you please verify at what point the code in your post is being called?


before joinMeetingWithParams i have applied this above code.

Hi @yirela4403,

Can you please try calling this after successfully joining the meeting?


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